martes, 26 de febrero de 2019

The @Humble Book Bundle: Computer Science by Mercury Learning - Ya Activo

Humble Book Bundle: Computer Science by Mercury Learning - Contiene:

Paga $1.00:

  • Autodesk Revit 2019 Architecture
  • Cloud Computing: An Introduction
  • Data Cleaning Pocket Primer
  • SAP ERP Financials
  • Software Quality Assurance

Paga $8.00:

  • 3D Character Development Workshop
  • Artificial Intelligence Problems and Their Solutions
  • Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing Simplified
  • Cloud Computing Basics: A Self-Teaching Introduction
  • Programming Fundamentals Using Java: A Game Application Approach
  • jQuery, CSS3, and HTML5
  • Object Oriented Programming Languages
  • Python 3 Pocket Primer
  • Regular Expressions Pocket Primer

Paga $15.00:

  • C Programming Pocket Primer
  • Cluster Analysis and Data Mining
  • Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++
  • Data Structures and Programming Design Using C++
  • Game Development Using Python
  • Mathematics for Computer Graphics and Game Programming
  • Microsoft Access 16 Programming by Example with VBA, XML, and ASP
  • Microsoft Excel 2016 Programming by Example with VBA, XML, and ASP
  • Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas
  • Network Security and Cryptography
  • PhotoshopElements 2018
  • Python Basics: A Self-Teaching Introduction

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